Project & Portfolio Management For Dummies

Business management in this day and age can be quite complicated.  It’s a business of numbers and projections, benefits and goals, spreadsheets and returns.  To many, this is all just a mess of words on the paper.  Sometimes simply providing an uncomplicated method of access and organization for your business’s numbers and logistics can make a world of difference in your quality of service and production as a company.  Project and portfolio management, also referred to as PPM in “tech talk”, is a formal approach used to prioritize IT projects based on cost vs benefit and the use of resources to achieve your business goals.  PPM produces a plethora of positive results, but here is an overview of a few of the major benefits of PPM utilization.


If you really think about it, confusion can be quite a mortal enemy when it comes to running a business.  One of the most valuable resources to a well oiled business machine is clear and concise communication between the you and your management staff.  Effective resource management has the ability to make or break the future of a newly budding establishment.  A well-rounded versatile software program can work wonders for your project manager.  Do your research, and look into the various different options presented for resource managers in your particular field.  There are many great PPM programs available that will cost you close to nothing to implement.


Image Source: Pixabay


For example, companies like Daptiv offer PPM programs that provide administrators with a self-service control panel to create and manage employees, projects, information accessibility and more.  You can be assured as a new business owner that your financial files and confidential client information will be adequately protected through elaborate encryption in every phase of product delivery.


You should be sure to make every effort to integrate yourself and your business with other ERP, CRM, financial and other business systems.  A collective PPM software program will offer these capabilities.  By bringing data from multiple systems into comparison with your own, you can more adequately gauge the success of your business tactics. A free-flowing chart, mapping your individual project’s progress will relieve a bit of pressure when it comes time to plan new projects.  Always search for a multifaceted solution to any IT software challenge, and as always, put in the time and research before making any definitive decisions.


About Author
Priya is a technology blogger. She loves to blog about blogging, business, gadgets, social media, latest tech news and wordpress.
