3 Types of Cuts to Edit Blog Videos

As you create video content for your blog, you should start to try out different types of cuts. Up till now you’ve probably just been using the standard ‘hard’ cut, but there are other types of cuts that connect shots more smoothly or convey additional meaning.

Although there are numerous types of cuts out there, the three in particular that you should start with to edit blog videos are:

Cut on action

A cut on action is a type of cut that attempts to mask its presence by using action (i.e. movement) in the shot. It can be applied by cutting from a shot where an action is being performed, and to a shot where that same action continues.


Image Source: Pixabay

In your blog videos you can use this type of cut to provide a more seamless transition when changing perspective. It is less likely that the viewer will feel jarred or distracted as their focus will be on the movement.

L and J cuts

Both of these cuts are very useful, and are the opposite of each other. The J cut requires you to cut to the next video clip first, but still play the audio from the first video clip for a few seconds before cutting to it.

The L cut is the reverse, and you’ll cut to the audio of the second clip and then cut the video to it a few seconds later.

By using these cuts you can make dialogue flow a lot smoother in your video and don’t have to wait for breaks to cut to the next clip. In fact it will also let you show reactions or any other relevant content.

Jump cuts

A jump cut is when you cut to a point later in the same clip (or a clip that is very visually similar). It will make the subject and other elements seem to ‘jump’ out of position.

While the jump cut is a popular type of cut in blog videos, it is very jarring – and should be used carefully. It can be masked at times by using a cutaway to insert a different clip in between rather than directly using a jump cut.

To give the cuts listed above a try you can use any video editor, and for example you could try Movavi Video Editor (https://www.movavi.com/videoeditor/).

As you can see each cut is unique in its own way, and the ways in which they can be used differ as well. It will take a bit of experimentation before you are able to fully appreciate the significance of each cut, which is why it is best to start now and give them a try for yourself.


About Author
Priya is a technology blogger. She loves to blog about blogging, business, gadgets, social media, latest tech news and wordpress.
