Simple tips for increasing your web traffic

Getting your website viewed and growing your audience is a very important part of any digital strategy. There is absolutely no point in creating content and running a platform if it is not going to be viewed or read. Writing in a vacuum is a waste of time and unless you are just posting your own musings for friends and family to read then the main goal of most sites is to engage with an audience and monetise them. So what are the tricks to getting more people onto the platform? Here are a few tips and ideas that might help.

Search Engine Savvy

It is imperative that when you build a site that you know what works in terms of ranking higher with search engines. This is not as easy as it sounds, and it is also not just a case of producing the right content. Obviously content is a big part of the play, but so too is site structure and a lot of things that go on in the background. And getting it right is key, because you absolutely want to appear on the first page of any and every search engine, so if you are unclear then you are perhaps best-off consulting an expert. And test their expertise properly, type something like ‘SEO Melbourne’ into a search engine and see who comes up first. Without a doubt, that is the company that you should be contacting.


Image Source: Pixabay

Regular updates

Search engines and social media are great means for attracting new audience, but once they have visited your website, you need to make sure that you retain them. A visitor is pretty useless if you cannot make them a return user. And the key to getting visitors to come back is in the content. It needs to be good and it needs to update regularly – ideally once a day at a minimum. It is quite a commitment but it is important, you are asking a user to commit to your site so you need to deliver something in return.

Mobile friendly

Increasingly digital content is being consumed on mobile devices so it is important that your site is modern and up-to-date. This does not mean that it has to be an app or anything like that, but it needs to be responsive and render properly on a small screen. If this doesn’t happen you are not only penalized by the search engines, who value highly mobile tailored content, it also makes for a negative user experience for your reader and makes them less likely to return to the site – no matter how good the content is.

Unique content

If you want to set yourself apart then you have to be different. Original content is very highly regarded by search engines and if you produce a lot of it they will automatically rank you higher than a site that runs feeds or cut and paste content. It also sets you apart and gives readers a reason to come to your platform as opposed to somebody else’s. Perhaps they like your insights and interpretations, perhaps it is your irreverence, maybe it is writing style; whatever it is, set yourself apart and you will benefit.


About Author
Priya is a technology blogger. She loves to blog about blogging, business, gadgets, social media, latest tech news and wordpress.
