4 Ways Technology Can Help Store Unused Furniture
Years ago, when homeowners needed to store unused furniture or other belongings, the available options were limited. If there was room in the attic or the basement, that was usually the first choice, but both those rooms were potentially subject to harmful storage conditions like humidity, cold, and possibly even vermin that chewed on belongings. The garage was another candidate, but without the heating and cooling systems of the main house, it also was not the ideal place to put furniture, and few garages were big enough to store much anyway.
A More Modern Approach
A much better way to store unused goods from the home today is by using moving containers that are specifically designed and built for the purpose. All the worry about what might be happening in the attic on a hot summer day, or in the basement during a wet period has been removed by the creation of units built with all those old drawbacks in mind, and how to avoid them. Technology has been put to good use to make these units just right for homeowners who don”t have room currently for all their possessions, and need temporary storage solutions. Here”s how the technology has made these containers ideal for storage.
Ideal Construction Materials
With all the information of the Internet available and modern testing methods as well, research has helped to find the most suitable materials to use in construction of storage units. For example, this involves identifying which materials are prone to mold or mildew growth as well as condensation, and excluding them from consideration. Then too, it is necessary to find which materials are capable of supporting the heavy weights that are possible in storage situations. High grade wood construction is one of the materials that passes both tests, and offers the best solution.
Perfect Sizing
When trying to calculate the perfect sizing for a storage unit, technology comes to the rescue in the form of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software, which is perfect for visualizing how objects of different dimensions can be contained in an overall structure. This helped to understand how many boxes of various sizes can fit in one container, and ideally how it could be sized to contain the approximate contents of one room of furniture.
Resistant to Weather
Moving containers are most effective at keeping goods safe from weather elements when they are coated with a high-tech sealant that prevents penetration to the interior. Today”s weather-resistant coatings provide the best protection against rain and snow, and wood construction helps to keep the interior environment relatively consistent because of the air pockets embedded in wood grain, which act as natural insulators.
Climate Control
If goods are not being moved to an off-loading location for immediate use, but are to be stored temporarily with the container provider, technology comes into play for that temporary storage as well. Most storage facilities offer modern climate control for goods that banishes all the problems of the old days of storage by providing the perfect environment for furniture and other goods, without fear of harmful storage issues. When goods are retrieved by the owner, everything is in the same good condition that it was prior to storage.