Why You Must Try Out Mobile Gaming

Regardless of the fact that mobile phones are so small, the technological advancements these devices have made have been remarkable, with some of the games releasing on mobile phones being rated as one of the best sources of entertainment by several critics. Making phone calls is not even in the top three actions of people who use Smart phones. This is not because people talk lesser nowadays; it is for the reason that they have better tasks to complete with their phones, and one of these better tasks is gaming. Here are some of the basic reasons why everyone should try out mobile gaming.

Mobile platforms are the new consoles

Almost every generation, since the 80s, has a story regarding the digital games of its times. From arcade games to Nintendo, this modern generation of youngsters are being brought up with mobile phones being a crucial part of their day to day lifestyles. Hence, for this generation, mobile platforms are the new consoles. The creators of games understand this very well and are advancing the way gaming is done on mobiles to create a whole new experience of gaming.


Image Source: Pixabay

If the only thing holding someone back from being genuinely interested in mobile gaming is graphics and interface performance, then this reason may soon enough cease to exist. With technology getting crammed into reduced packages, the ensuing development of gaming could transform mobile gaming. Just envision a future where whole gaming consoles are fitting into a pocket! In fact, with the amount technological advancements that are taking place in recent times, phones could soon enough be seen to make coffee!

Friendly for the pocket

Any gamer will agree to the fact that gaming is an expensive habit. The price of CDs and the consoles always keep rising. What’s worse is the fact that new updates keep releasing and keeping up with the pace of the releases can be very difficult. Mobile gaming, however, is very cheap.

In spite of revenue from mobile gaming increasing and the number of downloads and subsequent updates rising by the day, it may seem too good to be true, but the price of playing mobile games is in fact going down. The usual price of a mobile game from either Apple”s or Android’s App Store has lessened almost by 30%. If that drift lasts, the popularity of mobile gaming would advance even further.

The future is bright

With the advent of top gaming websites such as Gamesniped.Com, the future of mobile gaming looks to be on the up and up. A lot of similar gaming websites have acknowledged mobile devices as the most valued gaming platform. Mobile games have even overtaken social media games in terms of popularity in download. This is surely music to the ears for mobile game developers for the reason that mobile gamers will be ready to pay cash for their creations, instead of spending it on their social media counterparts.

Overall, it is great news for the gamers as well. Not only can they witness a new era of gaming, quite effortlessly, they can also be a part of it.


About Author
Priya is a technology blogger. She loves to blog about blogging, business, gadgets, social media, latest tech news and wordpress.
