3 Proven Ways to Set Your Business Apart from the Competitors

Despite the growing number of businesses and the steady market growth powering them, over 50% of businesses still struggle to attract and maintain customers. Demands are on the rise in various industries, but there are more businesses fighting for the same market segment.

The reason behind the struggle faced by many businesses – perhaps including yours – is the lack of differentiation. In a market as competitive as it is today, separating your business apart from the competitors becomes immensely important. Here are the 3 proven ways you can set your business apart and start attracting loyal customers.

Let Your Products and Services Do the Talking

Always strive to give customers 120% – yes, 110% wouldn’t cut it – every time. Customers don’t always remember your brand immediately, but they will remember how you make them feel. What you want to do is invest in the customers’ journey and find ways to make it as pleasant as possible.


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You can start by promising the things you can deliver as part of your marketing campaign. Be specific about the products or services you offer and make sure the customers know what to expect from them. When the time comes, deliver astonishing customer experience.

Let’s say you are selling custom shoes and high heels for women. Be truthful about the qualities of your shoes and make sure your customers know what to expect when they make an order. Make sure every pair you send to customers is immaculate. Lastly, add a personalized note with every pair.

Have a Memorable Brand

Developing a unique and memorable brand is also important in today’s market. Through careful branding and good marketing campaigns – especially with the help of digital marketing – you can get your business recognized by more, even those who have yet to buy your products or use your services.

Branding starts with choosing a great name. When starting a boudoir photography service, for instance, you want to go through boudoir photography name ideas and choose a name that will not only separate you from similar services, but one that also makes you more memorable to the customers.

Develop a brand that’s catchy and unique. Integrate elements of your brand into every marketing campaign. Be sure to remain consistent across your online and offline presence. It won’t be long before customers start recognizing you from your name, colors, and other elements of your brand.


Even with your best efforts, you will still get complaints from customers. When you do receive customer complaints, make sure to care about their experience and the things that disappoints them the most.

React quickly, investigate what the customer faces in relation to your products and services, and correct the problem as quickly as possible. Don’t stop there either; make sure the customer knows that you have identified the cause of the issue and are taking real steps to prevent a similar problem from happening in the future.

These are simple, straightforward things to do, but they are the kind of responses that will turn a disgruntled customer into the best ambassador for your brand and your products. Combined with the other tips we covered in this article, caring is how you get remembered.


About Author
Priya is a technology blogger. She loves to blog about blogging, business, gadgets, social media, latest tech news and wordpress.
